
winter oolong

Jin Xuan Hoarfrost Oolong Tea (Winter Tea) – the exception from the rule

Digging deeper into the rules of tea cultivation, you will soon learn that the tea plant is usually harvested several times a year. This applies to most teas, with exceptions such us... some tea varieties, with the Jin Xuan Oolong No. 12 among these, will produce another harvest, a winter harvest collected in December/January, standing out with a special aroma and extraordinary taste... some tea varieties, with the Jin Xuan Oolong No. 12 among these, will produce another harvest, a winter harvest collected in December/January, standing out with a special aroma and extraordinary taste... some tea varieties, with the Jin Xuan Oolong No. 12 among these, will produce another harvest, a winter harvest collected in December/January, standing out with a special aroma and extraordinary taste... Still, only few tippies (tops of branches with the youngest leaves respectively) will suffice the requirements of a high quality Hoarfrost Oolong, thus making the winter harvest a more-than-usual effort and causing it to produce rather low volumes of tea leaf. READ MORE