Assessment of Your Training Success, Lesson 3 – Tick the correct answer(s) Assessment of Your Training Success, Lesson 3 - Tick the correct answer(s) 1. The botanical name of the tea plant is a) Herba Zisterziensis b) Camellia Sativa c) Hibiscus Subdariffa d) Cannabis Indica e) Camellia Sinensis f) Camellia Versatilis 2. The tea plant's geographical origin and main area of prevalence is a) North Asia and Russia b) India and Sri Lanka c) Southeast Asia in a wider sense e) Southern Europe and the Mediterranean 3. The following main factors influence the quality (characteristics and properties) of the tea in your cup: a) cultivation, processing, certification requirements b) cultivation, picking, processing, way to consumer, import/export provisions, preparation c) origin, terroir, variety / cultivar, cultivation, picking, processing, way to consumer, preparation 4. The geographic origin of the tea in your cup can provide you with clues about a) the tea plant variety on which it is based b) the tea culture from which it has emerged c) the terroir that has shaped it d) it's prevalence 5. The world's most important tea cultures regarding the factor "origin" are a) China, Japan, India, Kenia b) China, Japan, Great Britain c) China, Japan, Great Britain, East Frisia d) China, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka e) China, Taiwan, Japan, India 6. Among today's origin countries of tea are... a) India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka b) Vietnam, Korea and Thailand c) Turkey, Afghanistan and Russia d) Kenia, China, Australia and the USA e) Laos, Indonesia and China f) South Korea, Nepal and Japan 7. Examples for mere tea culinary cultures are.... a) India b) Great Britain c) Turkey d) East Frisia e) Russia f) Nepal g) Tibet 8. Which of the following statements are true? a) Every tea culture is strongly influenced by the respective local and/or national culture. b) Every tea-producing country also has a tea culinary culture of its own. c) In every significant tea culinary culture tea is also cultivated d) The conclusion from a tea's origin to specific properties of the same requires knowledge of the associated tea culture. 9. The origin "Japan" suggests with a high probability that ... a) it's a green tea b) the fixation of the tea leaves ("kill green", stopping the oxidation processes) takes place by means of steaming c) the tea leaves were picked and processed by machine d) the processed tea leaves have the shape of green needles e) e) it is a "shaded tea" (tea plants are shaded by nets for several days / weeks before the picking) 10. The origin "Wuyi" suggests with a high probability that ... a) it's an oolong tea b) it's a black tea c) it's a green tea d) it's a white tea e) it is either an oolong tea or a black tea f) it is either a several times roasted Oolong tea of medium to higher oxidation level or a black tea g) it is a tea with a pronounced mineral taste component Your comments on the quiz (optional): Thank you for participating! Your Name Your Email (for sending your test results) Time's up